Wednesday, January 4th
Emily and I made this awesome snack after school that day. You can read more about it by clicking on this link: Fruit Kabobs
Thursday, January 5th
Emily and Christian both wore their Nike sweatshirts on the same day, so we decided to take a picture of them. David wanted to be in the picture too, so they let him in.

Carlos came home from work early this day, because the blocks of wood were frozen. It was nice for David and I to spend some extra time with him. He took us to lunch at the mall, where he got me a pair of jeans and we found these shoes for David on clearance for $2.99! Carlos also got his hair cut and we went and paid a few bills. After Carlos went in to pay one of the bills, they gave him a lollipop for David. You can see that David was happy about both his shoes and his lollipop

I think these were the only two pictures I got of the boys together. As well as of Carlitos #54.
Here is Jose scoring a free throw.
We were playing around with the camera during halftime. Emily wanted to take some pictures and she took this shot of Carlos and I. In the other picture, she was pretending to put David to sleep on the bleacher…and he played along with her. Picture of Jose getting ready to take a shot. It was a close game. The score was back and forth between the two teams, but the other team ended up winning by a few points.
That night, the kids put their shoes out before they went to bed. Children in Mexico (and probably other Spanish speaking countries as well) put their shoes out the night before El Día de Los Reyes. This holiday represents the day the Three Wise Men gave gifts to Jesus Christ. In Mexico, this day closes the Christmas festivities.
Friday, January 6th ~ Día de Los Reyes
Here are the kids’ shoes in the morning with their gifts. It was definitely easier to get the kids up and out of bed and in cheerful moods this morning, since it was Día de Los Reyes.
Ashley brought David out to the living room as soon as he woke up. I think he was surprised to see a new truck under his shoes. There is a smile under his binkie. I am glad that Carlos taught our kids about this holiday that he celebrated with his family as a child.
Emily was being thoughtful the night before. She wanted to leave water for the camels, because she said the Wise Men / Three Kings rode on camels.
Later that evening, Carlos helped Ashley with the glow-in-the-dark bracelet kit that she had received in the morning.
Saturday, January 7th
My sweet Grandma Evelyn sent us $50 for Christmas. We decided to something together as a family that we would all enjoy. So, we went to the movie theater to see the new Disney movie, Moana. This was David’s first time going to the movies. He did a really good job. At first, he pointed at the screen and said, “Big TV!” He enjoyed all the popcorn too. Thanks Grandma!
Sunday, January 8th
Carlos taught Emily’s CTR 5 Sunday School class today at church. Can you tell I took this picture through the small window in the door? ? He did a great job and Emily was super excited to have her daddy teaching her class. Love…love…love.
And the last picture for the week is of our lunch after church. When I brought Carlos his plate he said, “Wow, this looks good. You should take a picture of this.” So, there are the pork nachos I made for lunch. Maybe I should share the recipe in another post……