1st Week of September

Monday, September 4th

We spent Labor Day 2017 out at the beach.

Tuesday, September 5th

It was Carlitos’ Last, First Day of School. The other kids started school as well this day!

Wednesday, September 6th








The girls loved their back to school clothes so much, that they wanted me to take pictures of them again on their 2nd day of school.




Carlitos had his first Cross Country meet of the season today. This was a dual meet between his team and another local high school.


He pretty much led most of the race throughout the 5,000 meter course. Between the pictures that I took and some that my friend took, these were the best we got. It was hard to get some good pictures of Carlitos that were not blurry. 😉

His finishing time was 19:35. What a great way to start off his final year for the varsity cross-country team.



I just love this sweet girl. She was very helpful to me at this meet.

It was a long meet and kind of hard on Ian, Emily and David.




Thursday, September 7th



Emily had a game this evening. It was the first game of hers that I had been able to attend.


David looks forward to seeing his Tia Brenda at the soccer field. I think this is his favorite part about going to Emily’s games.



This is one of Emily’s new friends, her name is Maria. They met at soccer and then they ended up being in the same class at school.


Way-to-go team!



Saturday, September 9th

Busy Saturday picture line-up:

  1. Carlitos won 1st place in a 5K race. The cute baby he is holding in the picture is his cross-country coach’s son, Henry.
  2. Emily and her friend Christian at a parade. (Jose was somewhere at the parade too.)
  3. Ashley at her first soccer game of the season. They did not win, but they played well against a difficult team, with the final score being 3 to 6.

Sunday, September 10th

Here is Ian ready for church. He takes off his sunglasses and hat and leaves them in the car when we get to church. This is his routine any time we go somewhere…sunglasses and a hat. ;-). Little by little he is acquiring clothes for church. First item: the white shirt. I guess we will have to work with him on tucking in his shirt.

Ashley had one of her best friends spend the night last night. Here they are ready for church. Addie and her family are moving out-of-state, so they have been trying to spend more time together lately. Ashley sat with Addie and her family during church as too. We are going to miss Addie and her awesome family.

Here are Ashley and Addie and the two other girls from their our Valiant 9 class who come regularly. This was taken after church. They were so happy together and had lots of fun at the potluck. When it was time to go, Ashley was in tears. She was in tears again at bedtime too. It is sad to see these besties separated, but now they will be able to become pen pals!

I hope the three girls who are left will stay close with each other, as they can become a good support system for one another as they get older.



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