Once Carlos entered the MTC, we had some rearranging to do at home. Our upstairs has two bedrooms. Carlos & Jose were in the bigger of the two rooms. Ashley and Emily were in the smaller room. We had a little bit of a challenge with figuring out who to put where based on gender and age. Plus at this point, David was still in our room and we wanted to move him upstairs too. We have Jose – 17, Ashley – 11, Emily – 7 and David – 4.
We decided to move Jose into the smaller room and let Ashley & Emily move to the bigger room, along with David. We felt like the age difference between our two boys would be hard on them sharing a room. Especially with it being Jose’s senior year and late night basketball games, band and homework etc. I put David to bed at 8pm and his schedule more similarly matches Emily’s.
Here is Jose’s new room:

Jose’s new room was the girls’ old room which was a pink lemonade color before, as you can see in the pictures below.

Above and below you can see the transformation from pink to gray.
before after after
It was nice to refresh this room and to also do something nice for Jose. I’m sure when we first came home from dropping his brother off at the MTC, the big bedroom must have felt empty. Jose was such a good sport through of the moving stuff around and painting. He slept on the couch in the living room for at least 2 weeks!

As for the big bedroom, the boys had this nice bright blue color with raindrop white trim. We decided to go ahead and keep this room the same colors and just put on some fresh coats of paint.
before before
Ashley, Emily and David all enjoyed helping to paint what would soon be their closet doors! It is always nice to be able to include the kids and let them help when it comes to big changes like this.
after after

There you have it….our kids’ bedroom makeovers. Yep…we fit 3 beds in there! Ashley, Emily and David in the big blue room and Jose in the small gray room. If any of you are facing the challenge of having 3 kids in one room, it can be done!