Monday, August 31st
Over the summer it seems as though we haven’t done new hair style Monday very often, but we did today. The style was two dutch braids ending in a messy bun. We also went through all of our school supplies to get them organized and to see what we would need for the upcoming school year.
I had some happy helpers!

The kids and I also put together this care package for Elder Juarez. We sent it off and went out and bought the rest of the school supplies we needed. All we needed was printer paper, notebook paper, a few comp books, glue sticks and a two more supply boxes. Homeschool is going to be awesome!

We had a back-to-school family home evening. Then we spent the rest of the night setting up the school room.
Tuesday, September 1st
The last day of summer vacation before school starts was spent playing in the sprinkler and enjoying popsicles.
Then Emily and David switched things up by playing Uno while Ashley practiced piano. A little while later we read scriptures.
After family scriptures Carlos gave the kids Fathers blessings. Then he headed off to work, while we had a picnic dinner in the family room and we watched Back to School with Franklin.
I let the kids test out their chromebooks for a little while before bed. While I was saying goodnight to Ashley, I got a text from Jose saying he did “something” today…….

It turns out that “something” was cut his hair! It was probably 12 inches if not more! Jose’s last haircut was about this time 4 years ago. It was right before he started his sophomore year. I can’t wait to see it in person! I then spent the rest of my night folding laundry and setting up the rest of our classroom.
Wednesday, September 2nd
The first day of school turned out to be a really good day. I will admit that I am totally not used to being up before 8am anymore! Ashley started her online classes at 7:55 am. I still can’t believe she is in 7th grade! Little David still slept until 9am, so I got him started on his work a little bit later. He is in kindergarten this year and Emily is in 4th.
We finished up the school day around 2:30. If this were a typical first day of school, Ashley would have had junior high soccer practice and probably a practice for her rec soccer team as well. However, since things are different now due to covid, there are no sports going on. So, we decided to set out to do a back-to-school photo shoot.
This was an exploring photo shoot trip for us. We found some really pretty places. The other reason for this trip was to go look at some cats that we might be able to adopt.

After looking at kitties and buying a gift for the puppy that Jose will be getting next week, we continued our photo shoot.
Next we let the kids pick dinner and they decided on DQ. Then we headed toward home, but stopped at this beautiful pier that we saw on our way out.
Although Carlos and Ian didn’t “go back to school” today, I took a few pics of them too. I love my family!
The kids loved this place! There was a cute little burger joint across the street, and there was an ice cream parlor and a park nearby too. We will definitely be coming here again!
Thursday, September 3rd
We started the 2nd day of school bright and early. Emily had her first zoom meeting of the school year today. This year her teacher is Mrs. Ward. She seems easy going and tries hard to make online learning less stressful.

That afternoon Emily and David had in-person meetings to meet their teachers at their school. The meetings were held outside of the school and by appt. so there would not be too many people there at once and everyone could easily social distance.
After seeing David meet his teachers and get his picture taken in front of a 2020 sign, I felt sad for him and as we left, my eyes teared up. Not so much that I don’t think he will do fun things in kindergarten, because I will be sure to take care of that, but because he is missing the experience of making friends. To be honest, knowing he is doing a combination of online school and homeschool, it has been a lot easier on me emotionally. However, I know his little boy heart yearns for a playmate that is his age.

It was hot out while we were at the school, so when we got home we enjoyed some popsicles.
Friday, September 4th
Here is David all ready for school today. He is in the frog group at school. Although school is online, I thought it was nice that they gave these to the kids anyway. David likes to say what group he is in and then leap like a frog.

Tonight we watched Trolls World Tour and then I made my menu and shopping list for tomorrow. I took this picture of David and I while watching the movie. I love that he still likes to come climb into my lap when we settle down to watch a movie or a TV show.

Saturday, September 5th
Ashley and I got up early and did a big grocery shopping trip at Costco and Winco. We wanted to get this accomplished as later in the day we had an appointment at kitten rescue to meet some kittens and see about adopting one.
And that we did! Welcome to the H family Precious Spice! She is 4 months old.
After getting Precious set up, we went to the store to pick up a few more things that we needed for her. We saw chicks at the store and David liked watching them. The kids picked out this little cat bed for precious at the store too.
We finished off the night with scripture study and little David was tuckered out!
Sunday, September 6th
Our morning started off a little rough as the night had been a little rough. Ashley woke us up around the time we were just going to sleep because Precious had hissed at her. You see, Precious is staying in Ashley’s room for now until she is acquainted with us and her new environment. Precious had gone a little wild and was running up the wall sitting on the windowsill and crying. ( I guess you could say) Pretty much being loud and running crazy. So we went up stairs to see what was going on and Precious was sitting on the desk hissing at us when we came in. Carlos picked her up to put her in her bed (as we thought maybe she was scared of being up on the desk) and she dug her teeth into his index finger and scratched up the back of his hand and his arm!!!!!! I’ve never seen a kitten act that way toward people before. So, we had Ashley move out to the couch and see if she could get back to sleep there. Carlos and I were up past 5am listening to Precious (her room is above ours.)
After that rough start to the day, we headed over to the church so I could be set apart for my new calling in the YW. The blessing I was given was comforting. I took a pic of David all dressed up outside the church building. The kids have missed being there.

When we got home, we had lunch and then we checked on Precious again. This time she only hissed at us once. I think we are all feeling pretty cautious around her. When I got my kitten, I was 11 and when the boys got their kittens they were 4 and 5, the kittens were cuddled up to us within the first 24 hours. I’m not sure all this hissing is normal, but I hope it ends soon.

Yesterday, we finished reading through Helaman in the Book of Mormon. So for a treat, we took the kids on summer’s night walk with flash lights and glow sticks. The idea for the night walk comes from Samuel prophising that when Christ was born, a night would be as day. Also, that when Christ died, day would be as night (in the Americas). The kids loved it! It was pretty fun. I’m glad we had glowsticks on hand.

I love your photos! They are just so good. I love all your blogs. Makes me feel closer to you. Even tho these are crazy times we live in still I am grateful for technology that keeps us in touch! Much love, grandma Sandy
Grandma, do you have a favorite photo of each child? I am hoping to print some soon and can send them to you. 🙂