We spent our time, trying to relax during our last full week of summer vacation.
Monday, August 24th
Grandma Sandy’s piano is in its new home! The kids love it. We are so lucky.
Ashley took piano lessons in 2016 / 2017 from our dear friend Cindy Wheeler. Another dear friend, Karen Hirschi gave us her keyboard back then. It was well used at our house, even by Ian. Actually, when we had our first Hispanic group church meeting at our house in February, the keyboard was used to play the hymns. Unfortunately, it finally gave out on us this spring. Luckily for us, Grandma’s piano was waiting for us. Anyway, in the picture above, Ashley has her old piano books from her lessons with Sister Wheeler out and she is reteaching her self what she learned a few years ago and she is also teaching her sister.
Carlos was lesson for family home evening this week. He taught a little lesson about building our foundation on Jesus Christ and making sure it is strong, like a rock. He had the kids sing The Wise Man and the Foolish Man.

Next, he used these little worksheets that Erika Dike (David’s Sunday school teacher) had dropped off at our house earlier that day. They got to color, cut and paste. Then they got to list different ways they can build their foundation of Jesus Christ.

David said, “Pray and read scriptures, go to church and do FHE.” Emily said, “Go to church, pay tithing, pray at night, read the friend magazine and read scriptures.” It ended up being a really great lesson and a very important principle for this day and age. Once we were done, there was a knock on the door and it was our new bishop and his wife. So sweet of them to drop by. David was able to pay his tithing which was great. Bishop Mobley said it was the first tithing envelope that has been given to him in person, so that was a special moment for David. We talked for a few minutes at our front door and Bishop set up a time to meet with us on Friday.

Oh, and you can’t have FHE with out a treat! So, the kids made snickerdoodles. Yum!
Tuesday, August 25th
Today, the girls and I went out did a school clothes haul! That’s what they call it. I just call it school clothes shopping lol. We grabbed some lunch and hit the mall.

Meanwhile, back home Carlos took Ian and David on an errand to the hardware store and they picked up some lunch too. David looked so cute wearing his daddy’s bandana.

I had fun with these little ladies today. Thank you Carlos for letting us still go school clothes shopping even though they will be starting school online and not in the classroom. If was a fun mother / daughter time.
Wednesday, August 26th
As we did last Wednesday, we took the boat out again today. The kids enjoyed some tubing and we all enjoyed the view and had some snacks.
Back at home, Carlos built a fire while the kids rode their bikes. we roasted hotdogs for dinner and had smores for dessert!
What a great way to end a summer day!
Thursday, August 27th
Emily and David had their yearly check ups at the doctor today. They are both doing well. Here they are outside running up and down the path outside of the wellness center.
I then took them to a county park where they could burn off some more energy before heading home.

Emily and David were very happy to go on this afternoon bike ride! I walked while they rode. We had a fun time.
The girls’ Rad Swimsuits came in the mail this week!!! They were so excited, they made a youtube video about it! They actually found out about Rad Swim by watching youtube videos lol. Rad Swim is a family owned business based out of Utah, where the owner designs fashionable, yet modest swimsuits.

They are in love with these new swimsuits!
Friday, August 28th

Elder Juarez enjoying his time down in AZ. It is so beautiful there. This an amazing picture! Transfer news came in, and he is staying put for this transfer.
Saturday, August 29th

Aren’t I a lucky mom? Jose sent me picture of himself this week too. Today he went out and did some shopping for the puppy he will be getting next month. He also found this LA Galaxy jersey at Ross…..a great find! We have been so lucky, as Jose has come up to see us once a week during the months of July and August. This is the first week that we have not seen him in person, but this picture made my day!
Sunday, August 30th
The Lyles Family stopped by to visit us. What a fun surprise! They moved away from the harbor in 2016 and then we moved away last year. However, they were visiting their oldest daughter who only lives about an hour away from us…..so they decided to make our day by stopping by! They are a family that we have always looked up to. John and Rose were with us when our family was sealed in the temple. It was nice to catch up with them.
Ashley and Hyrum were good friends when they were in kindergarten and first grade. Their family moved away in the middle of their 2nd grade year. Just recently, during our covid19 homeschool, I had Ashley and Emily start writing letters to family or friends. Hyrum was one of the friends Ashley started writing to. seeing each other in person today thought, they were both a little shy at first. They both love basketball, so we sent them out to play and they warmed up quickly after that. All the kids played so well together….too bad we live 5 to 6 hours apart! It was a nice little Sunday visit.

After dinner we played a game of clue and then watched Split Infinity (again)! David wanted to make sure Carlos got to see it too. When we watched it on MOnday for FHE, Carlos was at work. David was so sweet, at the part when AJ is mean to her mom for coming to school in her sweat pants to drop of AJ’s report, David leaned over to me and said, “I will never do that if you come to my school, mommy.”
Oh and last but not least, earlier today during our church zoom meeting, I was announced as the 2nd counselor in the Young Women Presidency!!!!!