Double Birthday Party

With David and Emily’s birthdays being just two weeks and two days apart, we decided to go ahead and do a big birthday party for both of them together this year.


We decided not to go with a theme for the party since the party was for both a boy and a girl. Instead we went with lots of color! The kids picked out different colored tablecloths, candy bags and balloons.

For table decorations we added roses from our rose bushes to canning jars filled with water. I love how the roses added a nice pop of color to the tables.

I snapped these pictures as we were setting things up for the party. The balloons still were not blown up yet. 🙂


We had a small table set up for gifts that was positioned off to the side of the house. 


David was such a good little boy while we were setting things up and getting ready for the party. He sat in his sister’s chair and kind of just hung out and watched us. I think he was getting excited seeing all the things that were going on.




We had lots of yummy food. The main part of the meal was tacos al pastor and they were a huge hit! I wish I would have gotten more pictures of everything, but this was the time that we got really busy. For the tacos, there were fresh chopped cilantro, onions, radishes and 3 kinds of salsa.  Here are pictures of the meat cooking and the taco station.

We also had a table set up with tortilla chips, salsa, watermelon wedges and pineapple slices. There was also a chili-lime-salt seasoning for the fruit. We had sodas, capri-suns and water bottles in ice filled coolers as well.




For games, we had the traditional pin the tail on the donkey game. I gave out 4 prizes, 2 for each age group. We also had 2 piñatas. We let each of the kids pick one out. Emily picked a Barbie piñata and David picked out a Thomas the Train piñata.

These are all the kids waiting in line for the pin the tail on the donkey game.

Our sweet girl with her piñata.

Cute little kiddos waiting for their turn to hit the piñata. Daddy helping David take a turn. (David was so tired at this point in the evening, our poor little guy.)

It is always fun watching the different kids hit the piñatas. I hope the kids had fun and that everyone enjoyed themselves. One guest came up to me at church this morning and told me it was the coolest party that he had ever been to! 😉



We let each of the kids pick out their own birthday cakes as well. Emily picked a Barbie cake to match her piñata. David wanted a Thomas the Train cake, but they were out of that kit at the bakery, so he decided on Paw Patrol.

  Cake time! Emily’s cake was half chocolate and half vanilla with a butter cream filling and a cream cheese frosting.  David’s was the traditional mexican style cake, called tres leches, which was filled with fresh sliced strawberries and had a whip cream topping.


 Here are the kids opening their presents.You can kind of see the present table there in the background.

Friends & Family

I totally felt like I did not get enough pictures at the party. Especially, pictures of their the kids with their friends. Here are a couple of the pictures that we did get. None of which were taken by me. Thanks to those who took the pics!

1.David with his Daddy.

2. A four generation picture with me, my mom, my grandma and my daughter Ashley.

3. Two of our Tias (Aunts) Esmeralda & Corina.

4. Tio David


The party went well and the kids had a blast. Emily thanked me twice the next day for giving her a big birthday party with her friends. 🙂


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