Monday, July 20th
This morning, Emily and David made a chocolate cake for FHE tonight.

This was my little guy at bedtime. I think I will save this video clip forever!!! David had sung me a bedtime song! I asked him to sing it again for me so I could record it.
Friday, July 24th
I didn’t realize it at the time, but I think this week was an emotional week for me. I didn’t take any pictures for 3 days! Today was David’s last day of being a 5 year old. I took this one of him and I this morning.

Today I had been thinking about how the last time I had a child turn 6, and not have any children younger than him or her was in March 2007. Elder Juarez was 7 and Jose turned 6 that month. We had no younger children at the time, but I was about 12 weeks pregnant with Ashley, so Carlos and I knew there was another little one on the way. That is not the case today. It is kind of bittersweet knowing we won’t have any little ones around the house anymore.

Emily and David rode bikes for a while in front of the house today. Then later while I was making lunch, I had been watching David through the kitchen window. He was playing in the backyard with his airplanes. It was cute watching him fly the planes around and land them at the “airport.” I cannot believe how quickly he has grown or that he will be 6 years old tomorrow.

After lunch these sweet missionaries sang and signed the happy birthday song to David via video chat. David really liked it and it was so cool to watch. Once it was over, David hid his face because he was sad because he misses his big brother.

Saturday, July 25th
Today is the big day! David is turning 6 years old. We started off the day with fruit cones for breakfast. David loves them.
We spent the next part of the day preparing food and getting ready for the party. David also got to talk with Grandpa & Elena on the phone and open the present they sent to him.
Fruit Cone Marble Run from Grandpa & Elena
David loves Pokémon right now. Just like his big brothers! Therefore he had a pokemon themed birthday party. Here are a few pictures from his party. Ashley also took some video clips from the party that you can watch by clicking the link:
It was a small but meaningful party. We kept it small due to covid19 restrictions. We missed seeing the many more family members and friends that we would have normally been here, but in time we will be able to see everyone again. Our little guy had a happy birthday and that makes me happy! It is hard to believe that 6 years have passed since David was born. He has brought so much joy to our family and we love him very much.