Life at home during “phase 2” of the stay home stay healthy order, still continues to be a blessing. We still have our challenges here and there, but overall it was a good week. I do believe we are all looking forward to taking a break from school for the summer.
Monday, June 8th
This evening we headed over to Ashley’s school to do a drive-thru belongings pick up. She was able to get her binder, P.E. clothes and her basketball shoes. (When the kids left school on March 13th, no one knew it would be their last day at school.) Upon coming home, as we drove up our driveway, we saw a cat head off into the bushes and trees. There is probably about half a block’s worth of land full of trees, bushes and shrubbery between our neighbor’s house and ours. This was the third time at least one of us had seen this cat go in at the same spot. When we got out we looked around for the cat and called it, but it was scared. Now, usually Emily and I are the ones who have the heart for cats, but Carlos felt bad for it and decided to give it a can of chicken from our food storage. The cat did end up coming out and ate about 3/4 of the can. It was very cautious and scared of people though.
Jose’s girlfriend Belle graduated from high school this evening. Their school did a socially distanced ceremony. Only people who live with Belle could go to the graduation. I believe they did half the graduates on one night and half on another. Jose was able to meet up with her before he had to go to work. Belle looks so pretty and happy! I’m sad we were not able to be there at her graduation, but I am proud of her.

Tuesday, June 9th
School work and home life kept us busy again today and I didn’t take any pictures. However, Ashley did take one of the cat. It was a rainy day and the cat was soaked. She described its tail as looking like a porcupine. So, she decided to make this shelter out of some old plastic shelving that Carlos had. She gave the cat water and the leftover canned chicken. At dinner we talked about what to name the cat. If it is a girl, David picked the name Darling. (David loves the movie Lady and the tramp.) If it is a boy, Ashley picked the name Phoenix. (After her big bro Elder Juarez and his mission.) Emily liked the name sparkle or sprinkle for a girl cat. Feel free to comment below on which cat name you like out of these.

Wednesday, June 10th
We had an awesome homeschool day today. David even finished up his work early and that earned him some computer time playing one of his favorite math games.
After lunch, Carlos and the kids picked cherries. They were all so excited! Then we got ready and headed out on a homeschool fieldtrip. David’s weekly theme this week is forest / woodland animals. I love being able to use what I am teaching David and take it up a notch for the girls. Earlier today, I had them research a local nature and wildlife preserve. They had to list facts they read about the preserve and tell why it is important for us to have them.
We had an awesome experience on our fieldtrip today. David was bummed that we didn’t see any animals (other than birds), but the trail was beautiful and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Ashley had a combined YW/YM zoom meeting tonight. They played a household scavenger hunt, which was actually really fun. Then toward the end, Bishop Nixon shared some stories from his childhood about his two older brothers who became quadriplegics after a car crash on the way home from a YW/YM church activity. Bishop Nixon and his sister were also in the crash. He had told us bits and pieces of it before but I had never heard the whole story. He also shared two YouTube videos with the group as well. It really hit home as the brothers were both close in age and in high school together, just like Elder Juarez and Jose. It was a good reminder that whatever circumstances life throws at us, we can choose to see the good and try to respond in a positive manner. There is always something to be thankful for.
Thursday, June 11th

Belle and Jose celebrated their 2 year anniversary today. They went out for an early dinner together before Jose went to work.
Friday, June 12th
Here is Emily with her end of the school year gifts for her teachers. They were sweet enough to stop by our house today to pick these up. Only one week of school left!
Saturday, June 13th
Today, I took the girls out grocery shopping with me. I thought they might like to see if they could find something for their dad for Father’s Day. Emily found this pink cowgirl hat that she really liked. I didn’t buy it for her, but I did think she looked cute in it. 😉

Back at home Daddy and David were spent some time together watching Avatar and cleaning the bathrooms. What great guys!
Kids bathroom Our bathroom
Carlos put in a new bathroom set in our bathroom as an end of the school year gift for me.
Sunday, June 14th
Happy Flag Day! We had nice relaxing Sunday at home.
Ashley is standing on her tip toes, trying to be taller than me in the picture above…….pretty soon she won’t have too though!

That afternoon we watched Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I love it when Carlos is home and one of the kids just cuddles up with him.

I am grateful to Heavenly Father for his generous blessings for our family and I am so grateful to have this awesome family!!! While I miss some of the stages of life our family has been through in the past….. and I really miss Elder Juarez and Jose living with us, the stage we are in right now is also a good stage of life and I am loving it!