Monday, June 15th

Ashley a small cavity filled at the dentist today. You can see her cheek is swollen. I’m not exactly sure why, but it was swollen for quite a few days and it was even brused after.
Tuesday, June 6th
It was P day down in the mission field for Elder Juarez. He sent these pictures to us today. The first is from a hike he went on today. The second is a picture of him and his district. (probably taken sometime last week.)
Here is the only picture I took today. All of us in our p.j.’s getting ready to watch a little TV together.
Wednesday, June 17th
Today we only did an hour of homeschool and then we headed back to where we used to live for my follow up doctor appt, from having blood work done two weeks ago. After the appt we stopped by my mom’s work to say hi and then got some take out and ate lunch at a park.
It felt so good to be outside! Once we were done, we brought Jose some lunch and hung out with him for a while. It is always so good to see him.
Thursday, June 18th
The kids spent a lot of time doing school work and playing together today.
pledge of allegiance Esperanza rising book project drawing music notes Emily working hard on math Spanish time Playing a game playing together
Friday, June 19th
Today is the last day of school!!!! Yay! Homeschooling these three keeps me pretty busy! Last night and today have actually been kind of emotional for me. On one hand I feel relieved that school is over and on the other I feel sad that this time is coming to an end. There were some bumps in the road at times, but I hope that this covid19 stay home time and homeschooling will be a good memory for our children.
Emily had her last zoom meeting with her 3rd grade class. Ashley turned in her Espranza Rising book project. (Its good read by the way!) Here we are finishing up our school work.
Carlos was the sweetest. He wanted to give both the kids and I a little end of the school year celebration for all of our hard work. He made us tacos for lunch along with a side of sliced mango. Our kids are crazy for mango! Then he set up a piñata for the kids in the backyard.

Last day of 6th grade
I love these kiddos so much. It was a privlidge for me to be able to homeschool David all year and the girls for the last 3 months of their school year. I would do it again in a heart beat!

Most nights, before I go to bed, I will go into the kids’ rooms and kiss them while they sleep. I know, I already hugged and kissed them at their bedtime…..but they won’t be little much longer. I took this picture of David tonight while he slept. The big teddy bear he is holding onto is actually mine. Jose gave it to me for Mother’s Day. David misses his big brother Jose so much that he sleeps with my Jose bear. I think this is so sweet.
Saturday, June 20th
We had some guests in our yard today. We were all excited to see them, but David was the most. He was a little bummed about not seeing any animals on our trip to the Hilburn preserve last week. (besides birds) These guys made up for that!
We had our little Father’s Day celebration today, so that Jose would be able to come up and join us. We had brunch for dinner with French toast, scrambled eggs, hash browns, bacon and sausage. Then Carlos opened his gifts.

Jose bought Carlos a DVD and an avatar collectable figurine. The kids picked out a pair of LA Galaxy shorts, a tackle box filled with gummy worms and a father’s day tie bar. Jose was being quite thoughtful and brought gifts for all his younger siblings too. He gave Ashley a camera. He gave Emily 2 LOL balls and to David he gave an Avatar blanket.

I am so thankful to have Carlos as the father of my children. He is a hard working, loving and playful father. I know the kids are thankful for him too.