Another busy week in the books and not much picture-taking, but overall it was a good week.
Sunday, March 26th
The boys had their annual basketball banquet that evening. Parents, coaches and players got together for dinner and awards were handed out. Carlitos received the coaches’ award and earned a plaque. I was proud of him. His coach said some very nice things about him. Jose got an extra award as well. It was for taking the most charges out of all the players on his team. He received a gift certificate for a milk shake.
Tuesday, March 28th
I had 3 out of the 4 school-aged kids’ conferences today. The boys’ conferences were student-led. Both boys did a good job presenting. Ashley’s conference went well too. She is in the highest math group for her grade and is ahead in reading, but she needs to work on her writing. I notice this at home too, so I’m glad her teacher and I were able to talk to Ashley about it together.
The boys also had an away soccer game. We drove out for it and they won 11-0. This was their first league match, so they are off to a good start with league games as well.
Wednesday, March 29th
Today, Carlos treated David and I to a meal out. We had teriyaki and it was delicious. David was having fun playing with his daddy and taking his hat from him. Sometimes when David puts Carlos’ hat on he says, “I’m going to work!” I think David says this because Carlos always wears a hat to work.
Emily had her conference today. It went well. She picked out this poster afterward for having a good conference.
Friday, March 31st
Tonight Emily went on a special daddy-daughter date. Carlos took Emily to the arcade. They had fun playing together and Emily won a cup with a picture of Olaf the snowman on it. I asked Emily what her favorite part of the date was and she said, “Everything!” What a sweetie. She just soaks up that one-on-one time.
The rest of us spent the evening at home. I helped Jose get everything packed up for his big spring break trip with the high school band.
Saturday, April 1st
Today, the high school band, choir and color guard departed for their trip to California. I am super excited for Jose and this once in a lifetime experience that he is having. Today they performed at one of the Veteran’s Homes of CA. The also participated in a band clinic with John Carnahan, who is Director of Bands and Professor of Conducting at the Bob Cole Conservatory of Music at California State University, Long Beach.
This is the hotel they will be staying in for the next four nights. Lucky!!!
Tonight they got to eat at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
Meanwhile back at home, Ashley had a Saturday morning soccer practice. (Still no pictures on my part) I was impressed with how well she was taking shots on goal. I think Daddy might bring her up from defense at the next game.
After soccer practice, Ashley’s cousin Sophie (the one in the middle) came over to play. Her and Ashley are playing soccer on the same team this year which is nice. Sophie is actually Carlos’ 1st cousin, so I guess Sophie and Ashley are 1st cousins once removed? Anyway, they had lots of fun. The other little girl is Thalia. She is Sophie’s cousin from Sophie’s mom’s side of the family.
Today is was actually nice enough for the kids to get out and play. We had mainly rain all last month with some snow at the beginning of the month. The kids really enjoyed riding bikes.
Sunday, April 2nd
General Conference was wonderful today wasn’t it? During the morning session, my favorites were (of course!) our beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson’s talk and Elder Choi’s talk. There were also many good talks during the afternoon session too.
Meanwhile, Jose is touring Disneyland today! Here is a picture of him and his friend Alex that he sent us earlier.
They also did a soundtrack session, which was an instrumental workshop.