Monday, March 19th
This morning, little David just didn’t seem to be feeling his normal self. He was clingy and I could tell that his eyes were watery and he had a runny nose. He just wanted to lay around or be held. Here he is having breakfast on the couch. He is such a little ham, I told him he didn’t have to smile, but he did anyway. Later in the day, he ended up taking a 3 hour nap. I felt like this could be the beginning of something.
In an earlier post, I told you about the high school award ceremony that Carlitos had been nominated for, right? Well, here he is at the ceremony.
It was really cool, the way that they did the ceremony. You don’t know ahead of time, who nominated you. So, you hear different staff members go up and talk about the student that they nominated and the student gets to go up on stage to receive their award. Carlitos was nominated by his school counselor, Mrs. Winkleman. Here are some of nice things she said about Carlitos. He has an infectious smile, she thanked him for coming into her office and talking soccer with her, she said that he has made her a better soccer mom, she said his impact has gone beyond the walls of this school and that she appreciates that he is always willing to take on a challenge and that he does so with a positive attitude and a smile.
It was just Carlitos and I that evening, which ended up being really nice. I love him very much and I am happy to see the young man that he has grown into. We had a long talk in the car afterwards, too.
Tuesday, March 20th
Emily stayed home from school today. She was the same way that David had been yesterday.
Today’s game went well. The team won 6-1, Carlitos scored 2. Jose had a hard time, as he felt he let the team down and didn’t play well because he didn’t put one in the net. He is always particularily hard on himself, and seeing how he plays forward he knows it his job to score. He was not in a very good mood after this game. I hope in the future that he will come to better believe in himself as a player.
After the game, a group of girls came over to Carlitos. One of the girls told him that her little brother looked up to him and he wanted to know if he could take a picture with Carlitos. I thought that was so cute! After that, one of the other girls in the group asked Carlitos for a picture as well.
Wednesday, March 21st
By today, Emily was using her nebulizer and it was her 2nd day home from school. My youngest two babies are not feeling well.
Thursday, March 22nd
The high school band was out-of-town for the school day at a large group festival. In this picture they are warming up. Jose is in the middle back. I was not there of course, but their teacher said this: “SUPER PROUD of your WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE today. And LOVED watching you work as a team for the entire day! ❤
❤Ms. Peters.”
Here Carlitos is with the HOPE Squad team at school. They are a suicide prevention team. It was a special day at for them. They learned about Project Canine AND they got their HOPE Squad shirts with the special shoulder patch signifying that they are the first HOPE Squad team in our state.
David had a very hard time last night. He had a fever, could barely sleep and was in pain. He kept tugging at his ear and was rolling around in bed all night. I had him in bed with Carlos and I, and was giving him Tylenol every 4 hours and it didn’t seem to be helping. In the morning, as soon as I dropped the girls off at school, David, Ian and I headed out to urgent care. I thought David had an ear infection and fever, which he did. However, after explaining his symptoms from Monday and earlier in the week, the nurse asked if they could test him for the flu. They swabbed his nostrils and sent us back to the waiting room. Later, when the nurse came out with a little mask, my heart sank for my little guy. He was given a bed and had to wear the mask. The doctor said that he tested positive for Influenza B. She gave me lots of instructions and “when if’s” to head directly to the ER. She talked about kids passing this around daycare centers etc. I felt a little baffled as I’m a stay at home mom. David only goes to his little sunbeams class at church on Sundays and none of my older kids had become sick before David did. He had a hard rest of the day and was in and out of sleep all day. We just kept pushing the fluids.
Saturday, March 24th ~ Jose’s birthday!
We were not sure how to go about today with the plans that we had and David having the flu. So, we decided to take it step by step and just see how David did. Jose had permission from his band teacher to miss what they were doing this day, so that we all could go out-of-town together as a family…all 8 of us! (He will have to do a make-up later.) Ashley had her first soccer game of the season that morning which was a little over an hour from home. We had originally planned that after the game we would have the rest of the day to go wherever! We were hoping it would be nice, since usually when we are out-of-town, there is always an agenda.
Here are some pics of Ashley from her game. They are little blurry, but I love seeing her play and make saves with a smile on her face.
David sat with me all bundled up during most of the game. At the beginning, he tried to go play at the park with Emily, but then he just wanted to come sit with me. I thought it was a good sign, that he even felt like playing.
Here are some half time pics. I love my teenagers! Jose’s friend Jonny came along with us. We had to take two cars anyway….just to fit our family, so Carlos said Jose could bring a friend or two. I really like this picture of Coach Carlos, I think he looks cute. 😉 He was talking to his players. Final score, if I remember correctly was 2-1. Way to go Galaxy Girls!
Another lucky surprise, David’s fever finally broke during the game. It was almost amazing. Once we were heading to the car, he asked to swing. So, we let Ashley take him over to the swing for a little bit while we packed everything up.
To read more about the rest of Jose’s birthday, click here…..