Monday, May 11th
One thing I didn’t mention in my Mother’s Day post, was that I named the bear that Jose gave me, “Jose.” So, the next morning I woke up to find Emily and David watching TV with my Jose Bear and my Daddy bear. LOL

Carlos gave me the colorful bear for Valentine’s Day last year. When the kids miss him, they like to take turns sleeping with it. (As I write this post, Emily is sleeping with Daddy bear, right now.) I believe the kids will treat Jose bear the same way.
Today May 11th is a special day for Jose, as he has had his job for 3 months, which means he has passed the probationary period. He received his blue hard hat and now gets health insurance! I’m so proud of my young man having such a good job at such a young age.
Tuesday, May 12th

Wednesday, May 13th
Jose bear came to homeschool cutting practice / puzzle Both Daddy bear and Jose bear joined David for an episode of curious george
Not everyone is always fully engaged during family scripture study. Most nights it is fairly pleasant. Tonight was still enjoyable, but it seemed liked David did this for quite sometime tonight before we recorded a few seconds of it. LOL
Thursday, May 14th
So proud of this little guy! He mastered all 10 of these site words / labels that we had placed around our house for the language & literacy class I do with him.

He could not wait for his daddy to wake up so that he could read them to him!
Emily and I went on a walk today in the late afternoon. My sweet girl held my had pretty much throughout the whole walk.
Once Emily and David were in bed for the night, Ashley and I had our mother-daughter date night. She wanted to play phase 10. A fun card game, but it can take up to two hours sometimes. We were surprised by Carlos coming home on his dinner break. One of the machines was down, so he had an hour dinner break instead of a 30 minute one.
Friday, May 15th
We read the book I Like to Look for Rainbows, today in homeschool. Every time we get to this page in the book, the kids tell me about their former Primary President, who had been baptized in the Ocean in Hawaii when she was a girl.

I think it is cool how they remember that and how they make that connection when we read this book. Nani was also Emily’s CTR 7 teacher before becoming primary president and she spoke at Emily’s baptism. She was a great teacher and example for our kids.
For Geography class today, I had Emily do this United States puzzle. She really enjoyed it and ended up doing 3 more puzzles!
Saturday, May 16th
Carlos and I went major grocery shopping today. With Covid 19, I try to only go out every other week…unless it is for something small. Usually after all that shopping and putting groceries away (2.5 weeks worth of food for 6 people) we don’t feel like cooking a big meal and just want something easy. However, the night before I had marinated this pork, hoping we would be up to barbecuing tonight. And we were! Add in some corn and this strawberry spinach salad and we had a great dinner!

Ashley took this picture during tonight’s family scripture study. You can see David peeking from behind this bear.
Sunday, May 17th
Our family took a Sunday stroll. The weather ended up being beautiful and it felt so good to all be out together.
Back at home, Carlos was able to do a group video chat with his brother in CA and his two sisters in Mexico for the first time….ever!

I thought it was so cute how the girls were interested to see their Tias talking live. (They have only met their Tio in CA.) I know they saw how happy their dad was talking with his siblings, as did I. My hope is that our kids will be that happy to all be talking / or to all be with each other when they are all grown up.
Another thing I thought of while Carlos spoke with this siblings and after our peaceful Sunday stroll is that while we may all be experiencing some inconveniences due to covid19, there is still so much to be thankful for. During hard times, if we choose to look for it we will find goodness all around us. We are lucky that we have the technology to video chat and to keep connected with each other. We miss and love you all!