The Rest of Our September 2017

Well, as school started and sports got busier, I tried to keep up with the blog. As you can see, I wasn’t able to quite keep up with it all though the month. So here are “The Rest of September’s highlights. 😉

Carlitos and his friends stayed up late making this homecoming poster, late one Monday night because……………….

There was a girls’ soccer game the following evening, where Carlitos asked his friend Sadie to go to homecoming with him. 🙂

Carlitos took 1st place at his meet on September 14th.

 Our oldest daughter turned the big “10” in September. This is what she woke up to in the morning.

I made this sign using printing paper and markers. I taped it to her bedroom door after she went to sleep on the night before her birthday. We left a gift outside her bedroom door, so that when she opened the door, she would find it. The gift is simply a new shirt and a pair of pants to wear to school. I wanted Ashley to feel special all day long on her birthday. That meant from the minute she woke up until the minute she went to sleep. (Don’t mind the fact that her bedroom door and trim need to be painted. lol)

Ashley had a good day at school and brought cookies to share with her class for her birthday. She was a little bummed that I decided not to come into the class this year. I usually will bring the treats in and hang out in the classroom. I thought it seemed a little complicated with David and Ian this year, but other than that Ashley had a good day.

That evening we celebrated Ashley’s birthday at an arcade with a few friends, pizza, cupcakes and fun of course!

Tayli, Catherine, Ashley, Sophie and Bethie

Ashley had a game the day after her birthday and they won 5-2. This was my favorite pic of her from the game. It was her first time playing goalie.

 Emily has been right next to me as I have written the last few minutes of this post. She picked out this picture from her game on the 21st that she wanted me to add.

The XC team went on an out of state trip this month on the 23rd and 24th.

Carlitos’ race was the 4500 meters and he took 67th out of 164 runners.

Out of the runners that come from the same size school as Carlitos, he took 9th. Not bad!


Meanwhile back at home, Ashley had a home game. She was excited to be wearing the new goalie shirt and pants that her dad ordered her for her birthday.

They tied their game 5-5.

Emily had her last game of the season on the season on the 26th. One of the things that Carlos and I noticed about Emily that we love, is that she almost always has a smile on her face when she is out on the soccer field. This was Emily’s first experience with soccer. Based on those smiles that I saw in so many pictures, I think she had a good experience. We will see if she decides to play again next fall.

And on the last day of the month, Ashley’s team had a home game. They won 3-1. This brings them to a total of 2 wins, 1 loss and 1 tie. It has been a good season so far. Did I mention, that they had their favorite referee?….this cute guy off to the right —>

Jose and his friend Jonny came to watch Ashley’s game too. We went out to eat after the game, like the old days. 🙂

Later that evening, Carlos and Ashley went out on a daddy-daughter date!

And that was the rest of our September!

1 thoughts on “The Rest of Our September 2017

  1. I’m so glad you do this, I love reading about your family and enjoy the photos. Keep it up. You guys are doing a great job.

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